Group 13

Our subject

Our subject scope is to reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems.
It is one of the 17 United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). More exactly, it is the SDG 15.8, entitled " Life on land".

Our research question

Our group has formulated two research questions to define projects contributing to solve the stated problematic : " How to drive local citizens to collect data (mapping) about stressed national seas and oceans ecosystems by IAS algae?" and the second one is: " How to support rangers to collect data from stressed areas and prevent IAS from spreading and reduce them in forest ecosystems?". We will develop below two projects ideas providing the best solutions from our point of view to these questions. We will then move on with a prototype and test the best suitable solution.

Project 1 · The Waters Guardians


The Mediterranean sea hosts a rich diversity of biota with more than 17 000 species and around 4-18% of the world marine biodiversity. It hosts unique inhabitant and is considered as a hotspot of biodiversity.
Due to warming of the Mediterranean sea, human intervention with pollution, fisheries and the introduction deliberately or inadvertently of invasive alien species, this biodiversity is endangered. The major threat is due to bio-invasions, with approximately 1000 marine alien species, 50% of which are invasive, being characterized as spreading and establishing in the Mediterranean marine ecosystem. Mediterranean IAS are classified into 4 categories: algae, Mollusca, fish, and Crustacea.

Despite, the continuous reporting and monitoring among countries, the information is scattered and the various sources and databases make it difficult to extract and deploy efficiently the knowledge through the numerous actors involved : from Institutions, associations, environmental and marine territory agencies, institutional repositories, policy makers and research Institutes.

Furthermore, these Invasive Alien Species (IAS) have an economical and health burden, they negatively impact tourism and fishing activities. Some invasive alien species can additionally harm human health such as mild irritation to the skin or food toxicity. It is of public interest to inform and educate inhabitants about the updated infested areas and to enable them to recognise IAS, differentiate them from native species and avoid IAS.

Target audience & persona

Target audience :

Our target audience consists of any individual (locals, tourists, adults as well as children) who are aware of IAS negative impacts, want to be informed and participate in the community and also researchers, local associations, organizations, Institutions, associations, State agencies as the environmental and marine territory agencies or institutional repositories.


Service offered

Our project "The Waters Guardians" consists of an application and a website divided into three categories (services provided):

What about the user experience ?


User flow for the feature: "Identification & mapping"

User flow


Below is a caroussel of pictures to illustrate the customer experience, behaviors and needs as a red thread in our project development :


List of competitors related to projects :


  • Invading the Mediterranean Sea: biodiversity patterns shaped by human activities
  • Spain Algae Invasion Triggers 'Environmental Nightmare': information about algae, and some of our illustration's pictures
  • The Marine Biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea in a Changing Climate: The Impact of Biological Invasions

  • Project 2 · FOREST KEEPERS


    Forests & Wildlife This project is focused on fighting invasive alien species in the United States. It comes as an answer to the rapidly increasing IAS that are destroying natural Ecosystems. Rangers and People will work together through an app to deal with this problem.

    Target audience & persona

    Target audience :

    The Users of this app will be everyday people and Rangers. In the way the app works, they have a complementary role so the task the user has to do is necessary for the rangers to take action.


    Service offered

    What? How? This app needs the people and the rangers to work together for it work ( their roles are complementary) . The User will take a picture of a specie he observes and upload it on the application to identify if it is an invasive alien species. The GPS will detected the location where the pciture was taken so that the Ranger can act and based on the information received. It is important to note that all pictures uploaded will be checked by an image recogintion software to classify the animal or plant and recognize if they are an invasive alien species and inform about the degree of confidence in the prediction.

    Features + user flow


    User flow for reporting an occurence of IAS species in the Forest

    User flow


    List of competitors related to projects :


  • Edd Maps, Invasive Species Mapping Handbook
  • In Pursuit of Invasive Species: Ontario Forests
  • LITTLE THINGS big problems-- Invasive Plants In Our Parks
  • Escape of the invasives: Top six invasive plant species in the United States
  • A Systematic Review of the Impact of Invasive Alien Plants on Forest Regeneration in European Temperate Forests
  • Invasive alien pests threaten the carbon stored in Europe’s forests
  • Managing Invasive Alien Species by the European Union: Lessons Learnt
  • Xtensio was used to generate the persona templates.